One of the problems of many people in the society today is chronic gastrointestinal diseases that are caused by various causes such as diet, air pollution, low physical activity, sedentary life and finally stress. Persistent constipation, periodic diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, colic and spasm of the colon, rectal bleeding, chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the intestinal wall diverticula, overweight, bloating and abdominal swelling, skin aging and premature wrinkles, bad breath And chronic headaches are among the symptoms and complications of this category of diseases.

Italian hydrotherapy colon device is a new innovation in the field of medical equipment, which is produced based on the latest achievements of modern European medical science. This device helps the users of this medical device by washing the large intestine (colon).


How the hydrotherapy colon device works

The inlet water temperature is set between 25 and 37 degrees Celsius by the user, the inlet water pressure also increases to a maximum of 2 PSI and the device allows water to pass at temperatures above and below the threshold due to the installed valves and also the water pressure is more than will not give PSI 2. The incoming water also passes through the antibacterial filter and prevents any bacteria from entering the user's colon, so the device rinses the intestines in a completely safe environment. Connect the device to the water inlet and use it by placing the device bracket on the toilet or ready-made toilet seat. Sit gently on the toilet and insert the disposable water inlet connector into the anus and unscrew the water inlet screw. The entered water stimulates the circular and smoky movements of the intestine. With the feeling of expulsion without getting up from the device, you can remove the waste with water from the space between the water inlet and the rectum and completely clean the rectum in a short time.



Features of Professional and Portable models

• The only hydrotherapy colon device with three models of hospital, portable and home in Iran

•Made by Italian company NaturLife Style and with European CE standard

• Complete rinsing and cleansing of the colon without pain, discomfort and side effects

• Prepare the colon for a colonoscopy in the shortest time possible

• Help treat acute and chronic constipation by clearing harmful bacteria

•Help treat acute and chronic diarrhea by draining harmful bacteria

• Preparation of the colon for abdominal surgery

• No need to use laxatives and chemicals to cleanse the intestines

• Preparation of the colon for diagnostic imaging

• Symptom relief in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

• Can be used for patients with defecation incontinence

• Has a 2-year warranty and 10-year after-sales service


Domestic model features

• The only home hydrotherapy colon device in Iran

• Prevention, treatment and better intestinal life

• Natural alternatives instead of using laxatives

• A fully independent and automatic device

• Prevention and treatment of chronic and acute constipation

Suitable for people with intestinal torsion

• Natural technology to reduce intestinal irritability (IBS)

• Maintain health and beauty for a long time

• Prevention, treatment and improvement of intestinal function

• Has European CE standard (0068)

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